digital camera

ok guys, it's tax time and I am going to finally break down and get a digital camera............any suggestions on what takes great pics?


I just bought a Canon Powershot G3. All I can say is WOW!! What a camera! I definitely suggest this camera. It is their newest high end digital Prosumer camera (4.0 megapixel). There are some great reviews out at that you can look at. It will give you some great reviews of digital cameras on all levels in case you were looking for something better (SLR digital) or something a little less pricey (smaller point and shoot cameras). My vote goes for the Canon Powershot G3.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, WOW! that thing must take some great's 600+ much did you pay for it? and where?


here's a subject i know a bit of something on ;)
i'd suggest either nikon or canon....i tend to lean towards canon more due to the fact that they have superior optics vs any other brand. nikon though, has the best metering system on the market. if you want something compact though, take a look at the dimage x by minolta, excellent camera and made of metal casing. if you need to get technical...let me know :)


Active Member
Depends on how much money you wanna spend on that.
But basically look for good macro, possibly manual focus, resolution, optic zoom. I like Sony 707/717 model. Great pictures!!!
I didn't realize that digital cameras cost that much.......I'm just in absolute aw! I like the features of these models that you guys are showing me, but wow! I guess I never really paid any attention to things like that! Are they anything like computers (pay $2,000 and in 6 months it's practically the slowest thing out there)? or are these a good investment?


Active Member
Well, if you will invest in a good camera this won't be like computer. My personal experience: about two years ago i have bought digital camera Canon Powershot A20, when i was in the USA. Now i can see the problem, while trying to get a good picture of my coral, sinse my camera has no manual focus and has bad macro features. I'm stack with that camera, 'cus i;m not gonna buy another one soon. That's why you should look first at hte features you will need, while using that camera. I suggest you to choose slowly by investing your time to research.


investing in a camera is nothing like a computer...i've shot with my canon eos 1v-hs (my 35mm film) for years now and i've yet to have to replace it...many pros shoot with 1v, 1n for nikon users, they shoot with f100 or f5s (a model which have been out forever!!!!). with today's advance technology, amateurs will not need manual focus, especially on a digital cam, if it has a pre-focus light. even metering systems are worked out so well than shooting under tungsten lighting isn't too obvious or much of a problem.


things to remember when buying camera:
a lot of NYC stores sell them for absolutely dirt cheap because its either a scam, they will force you to buy add-ons or else its "out of stock", or it is a grey market product which manufacturers will no honor the warranty
make sure to buy a camera that has USA warranty!!!
that's all for now :)


Yes, the Canon G3 takes GREAT pictures. I did pay $600+ for it about a month ago. The price is going down a bit ($10-$15). Depending on how antsy you are to get one, you might be able to wait and have the price go down a little more, but I don't think it will go down THAT much more. Like I said, it is a prosumer camera which means you have the ability to do more than point and shoot as you feel comfortable. I haven't experimented with all it's functions yet, but you can take black and white photos, sepia photos, etc. with this puppy! You can also put it on manual focus if you want.
Yes, there are TONS of options out there. You can get a pretty decent point and shoot camera out there for around $200, but if you plan to go further than point and shoot, you may want to invest in a prosumer type camera. I bought the Powershot G3 so I could have the ability to go further in my photography ability. I am a fairly new person to the photography hobby....all I have ever had is a point and shoot 35mm camera. After taking pictures with the G3, I am ashamed of my other pictures :D After I get exceptionally good with this camera (which should take me a while since I am new to cameras that actually have 'ability'), my next purchase would be a digital SLR.
Please do look at that site I recommended and read the full reviews on digital cameras. Read the one on the one I recommend and the ones on what other people here have recommended. To me, anything over $50 is expensive *hee hee*, so if I am going to spend the money, I want the best I can get for what I want to do and need. Read the reviews and decide what is good for your purpose. You can also find digital photography magazines in your grocery store that will give you the pros and cons of the different cameras.
Good Luck and enjoy what you get! Keep us posted on your decision! What are you looking for anyway? Point-and-shoot? Prosumer? How many megapixels do you want?
ok, well, this might be a stupid question, but..........what if I got a digital camcorder.........can I take video, then turn it into a still picture? Then I'd have the best of both worlds......


Not too sure about the ability of a camcorder to take good still photos. I have not researched that before, so I can't help you out there. The Canon G3 does have the ability to record like a camcorder with sound (many digital cameras don't have sound). But, it is not for long periods. After all, if you want movies, the camcorder is the way to go, but if you want still shots, then a camera is the way to go. My guess is that if you find a camcorder that can do good still shots, too, then it will be a lot higher priced than $600!!
There is a website: that has some reviews. I have not really looked at this site, so I don't know how good it is, but it might give you a starting place to get some ideas if you decide to go the camcorder route instead.
Sorry I can't help much!
PS Browsed the site mentioned above for a bit and looked like the Sony DCR-TRV950 (Mini DV camcorder family) is one of the top of the lines. Can take stills, but only at 1152x868 pixels. Price tag is $2400 - $2600


tje digital still image quality of a digital camcorder is equal to that of a $50 digital camera....if that tells you anything :)

chef jaysen

Just thought I would put my vote in for my olympus c-4000. Its usually rated among the best and its automatic features make it easy. If you choose to go alittle more professional you turn off the automatic stuff and you can do almost anything with it. Its 4 meg and probably around 400-450 now. Two macro samples for you. Cheers.....