Ding-ding -- Emerald Crab vs. Sally Lightfoot


Active Member
Here ye-hear ye... Are you ready to rumble.
Today we have Emerald Crab VS. Sally Lightfoot.
Who will be victorious?
The ring - a 12 gallon nano cube DX.
Emerald Crab has been in there for 2 weeks. He is clearly male with some nice big claws.
Sally Lightfoot is 4-6" across leg to leg. I've had her for about 2 years. First in my 6 gallon, then my 55. Then she was playing at the sump of my 90. Until 1.5 weeks ago she went into my new 12 gallon set up.
Who will win the battle. Heck who knew there would even be one. But someone was found today ripped to pieces and I don't think it was the urchin.
Who is victorious?


Active Member
when I had them they never got into it. Emeralds throw up their claws if anything gets too close but the sally was so fast it could virtually pick food while walking over top the emerald without getting pinched. both minded their business. my problem was the sally liked to eat zoo's and had to be taken back to the pet store.
i say emerald. i think the slf claws are just to small to do any damage to the emeralds shell. the slf is fast but once he is caught i would say its over.

payton 350

my emerald cracked one of my snails shells once...anything that got near him he tore apart....thank god he's gone now but he was mean ...named him Brutus


I would have to say the sally lightfoot. I have seen them trying to rip out each others eyes at the store. Emeralds always seem to mind their own business for the most part.


Active Member
Ding ding there is the final bell.
Looks like the Sally lightfoot is ripped to pieces and the emerald is in great shape. Looks like the sally who I had for over 2 years is no more.
From today on he will be known as CRUSHER!