Dinoflagellets or something else?


After cleaning off the sand and glass, this algae seems to come back every day and it grows on the rocks too. The tank is getting very grungy looking. Kind of like when the tank cycles but my tank is a year old now and it started doing this about a month ago. Little bubbles get stuck to the rocks and back of the tank too. Could the lights be making this algae since they are now over a year old? Or is this algae dino? Any input is appreciated!
My tank has become more of an eyesore because of this stuff.



Is it slimey and snotty like? If it is then it's dino's... I just had a battle with dinos a few months ago. I would first cut the lighting to 4 hours a day and start dripping kalk water to keep the pH at 8.4ish and then just wait. I did a water change right before I started doing this to try to suck up as much of it as possible and then I didn't do another water change until it was gone in my tank... Be patient, it took about 2-3 weeks until mine was gone.
Here's a great link to a cheap kalk dripper (if it get's blocked PM me and I'll send you the link) http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/20...nftt/index.php


Thanks for the response! I changed my lights to about 6 hours a day and I scraped off all the algae and siphoned it up. So far it hasn't been coming back too much on the glass, only on the rocks in the middle of the tank that get the most light. So that makes me think its to do with the lights being too old because every day when the lights come on, the tank looks fine, no algae anywhere. But then after a few hours it starts to come back.