Dinosaur Bone Live Rock


Active Member
What is the live rock that looks like dinosaur bones or bones period.
I got some free live rock pieces from someone and they look like a bunch of bones. This smooth live rock....will it be as good as say fiji? There are no ;pores or anything so I am confused on how it can help 'filter' a tank like other rocks

veni vidi vici

Active Member
That rock you have there looks like Texas holey rock.
Its heavy and not very porous but is good for a base for building structures.If your looking to buy some cheaper rock ,look into tufa or lace rock,its lighter and very porous and most of all pretty cheap.I used alot of all three mentioned above along with fiji ,when its covered in purple and red coraline it looks pretty natural.
Texas Holey


and here is all 4 types in my tank
