dirty film on top of my tank. HELP

I have this dirty looking film on top of my tank. You can blow on it and it seperates then fills back in. I had A really bad cayno problem Put in some red slime remover worked killer. Did 2-25% water change now this. what now?


Active Member
What do you have for circulation? you have something agitating the surface as well as good flow throughout the tank.
I have 3 power heads in the tank 1 points to the back the other 2 are on the oppisite sides of the tank. not much at the surface of the tank. It just slowly moves in a circle.
sorry forgot to answer about the carbon. Yes I have a bag in my refug whare the overflow enters and thats whare the skimmer is.


Well, youre going to want some. If you could skim this off, itd be great. Im not farmiliar with what it exactly is, but I remember a thread exactly like this and the advice was to skim it off or suck it off with a turkey baster then put another powerhead or reposition one or a return pump so it agitates the top of the water.
