That is not a bacterial infection. As I said, it could well be very poor nutrition. Obviously poor nutrition where ever all the fish came from. Go ahead and use the Melafix. You could have also used the FW Maracyn2. Add the vitmin supplement, such as Zoecon, to the food for several mins prior to feeding. Improve the diet by adding a variety of good quality foods.
My recommendation to perform hyposalinity was not for the ich, but rather, to reduce osmotic pressure which would result in easing the metabolism of the fish.
Bony marine fish have an osmotic concentration of around ¼ of that in sea water Fish lose water due to osmosis as well as thru waste elimination. To replenish lost water, fish must in turn drink a lot of water to make up for the loss. Excess sodium, chloride, magnesium and sulphates are in turn excreted. This process is extremely energy draining on fish. When fish are stressed this function is particularly affected; fish experience difficulty adjusting the concentration of these substances. Lowering the salinity of the tank water makes the concentration of sodium, etc., closer to the fishes internal fluids and reduces the fish’s efforts to maintain the correct concentrations. Thus, the notion that hypo is stressful or dangerous to fish is dispelled. It is, in fact, a stress reliever.