Disappearing Fish



I have a 20 gal FOWLR and on Sunday I put in a Royal Gramma, and a Fire Fish Goby. The only other fish in their was my percula clown. The next day after I put the new fish in their and the next day my percula disappeared, and has been gone for the last four days. I have checked my filters, uder the rock, In the rocks, everywhere. Their is no fish, or no body. I have been going over the whole this with a rather large maglight, and still their is no sign. Does anybody have any Ideas.


what kind of clean up crew do you have? My royal gramma killed one of my clowns and the clean up crew had him "cleaned up" within a day. Most people say that a royal gramma is a nice fish but the one I had was a nasty little bugger!


Active Member

Originally posted by steveoutla
what kind of clean up crew do you have? My royal gramma killed one of my clowns and the clean up crew had him "cleaned up" within a day. Most people say that a royal gramma is a nice fish but the one I had was a nasty little bugger!

Agreed....Unless you have a mantis.


Active Member
i was going to say fish that go mia mysteriously could be the result of a resident mantis shrimp living in a hole in the rock somewhere.
keep an eye on your other fish.
if it is a mantis, you can trap him, but be careful.. they are called thumbsplitters for a reason


I have been looking for a mantis also, but I only have about 35 pounds of Live Rock, of which I have searched every single small opening I can find. If I do have a small mantis hiding in my tank how small of hole could he fit into.


Active Member
A few hours after lights out listen for a tapping sound in the tank..if you have one you'll heaar it. It was probably the Gramma. :D

delta lady

New Member
I think that this is what happened to my clown. He disappeared also. I am going to check the LR in my tank. After I found a picture of the mantis shrimp, I think there may be one in my tank. Thanks for the info.