Disappearing fish


New Member
Ok, I have a 44 gal tank, I had 2 domino's & another damsel in it. The blue damsel is fine, is is a tad larger than the other 2 WERE. The other two have disappeared! I mean GONE!! One one day, one the next. There are only 2 pieces of rock in the the whole durn tank. Could it be possible that a mantis shrimp has hidden itself for 2 months?


sure. Ant pieces? Look around the rock, maybe lift it up for bones or anything.
If not look on the floor next to the tank.


I had a Yellow Eyed Tang about 3 inches diappear overnight. I looked everywhere under rocks everything. Since then I have rearranged my rock and didn't find any unwanted predaters. STRANGE huh?


it is not on the floor and no pieces in the filter..... do you have any cats, dogs? If you leave the top open, they might try to go fishing. I know when I babysit my girlfriends cat she sits on my hood and drinks the water from my skimmer.....EWWWWW. But it could be a factor.
Oh and look out for the master of all fish killers....Jealousous Girlfriendmaxis. They have been know to strike without warning. LOL.


I had the same problem with my blue dasmel. It took it about 2 weeks to go after and kill 2 of my yellow tails. 1 disappeared without a trace (I think it was eaten by a sea star) the next day the other yellow tail was dead.
he goes after just about any fish he can. the clarkii keeps it is check, but the blue damsel would not let a royal gramma out of the LR for about a week. I had to personally insert food into a cubbyhole for the gramma for days.