Disappearing Fish...


Today after doing a water water change, and after acclimation adding in a harlequin sweetlips, I noticed that one of my fish was missing... I also have a leapard wrasse that hides in the evenings so, I normally dont see him in the evenings, but my clarkii clown is MIA...
I moved some rockwork and tried to see if I saw him or anything, but to no avail....
WHODUNIT???? :notsure:


Active Member
Best to just leave everything alone. The clown may just be hideing from all the activity and you moveing around rocks is just adding more stress. The Clown hopefully is OK and will reappear when things calm down. I must say those are some difficult species you are trying and I wish you luck...


Active Member
Harlequin sweetlips grow to about 3'..and change color. Hope your tank is big...the leopard wrasse is also going to get very large.