Disappearing fish?


I lost 2 neon gobies and now my yellow tang. No sign of them at all. No body part, just plain gone. There was no indication that they were even sick. If the fish suddenly died would my maroon clown feed it to my anemones? I have 3 large rose anemones and a long tentacle. I will be getting rid of a couple soon because they take up a lot of room. Also my water perm. indicated that my pH and alk. were low. Are tangs affected by this? The only thing different that I can think of is that I just put some caulerpa in 29 gal as a refugium. I had some of it die but most of it looks good. Could it have added something toxic? Just searching for answers. As soon as my tank starts to look great, something like this happens.


Active Member
I could see the maroon feeding the gobys, but I don't know about the tang. Maroons are awesome house keepers that take very good care of their hosts. I would look for the reason of their deaths. Water Params? Possible mantis(usually not the problem)? Neighborhood fish thief:D Hey if you want to send one of those roses on a california vacation let me know;) I would be more than happy to keep an eye on it.


nitrites 10 or less
nitrates 0
ammonia 0
pH was 7.8 now 8.2
alk 2.29
CA 370 pppm
I am adjusting my ESV to raise my alk and calcium. The only thing different in this tank is that 2 months ago I turned off my UV sterlizer and added a refugium. It is a 29 gal with approx. 3-4 inches of sand and a few pieces of LR. I added the caulerpa last monday and it seems to be doing well. I have some hair algae on the glass and algae on the sand. I noticed these fish (regal tangs) acting strange about 2 weeks agos. All the fish would come and eat. Now, two of my regals stay hidden in the rocks. I see them eat but only what comes to them. Any ideas? I have not changed my food and the yellow tang was fine. No sign of it at all. I also checked around and behind the tank and it did not jump.