disappearing Nassasarius snails???


New Member
Hi all, I'm a new forum member with a quick question.
Last night I picked up 2 Nassarius snails from the LFS and added them to my 10g reef. After acclimation, they quickly buried themselves in the substrate and I haven't seen them since. Is this normal? Should I be concerned about them re-appearing? Anyone seen this before?


New Member
Originally Posted by Cannonman
It is normal, no need to worry, you will see them from time to time.
That makes me feel better, any worry of them doing damage under gravel? Like tipping over corals, rocks, etc.?


Do you have sand or crushed coral substrate??? (hope sand, they do much better in that) but no, they won't tip much of anything over. Every once in a great while I will see something shift ever so slightly laying on the bottom of the tank (like a piece of live rock rubble) but it's just the snails doing what they do best. First time it happened it freaked me out, I see something move and had to dig it out to find out what was going on... found the snail.


New Member
Sounds interesting, moving sand ......
I have a mix of sand and crushed coral. I hope they like it.....


Active Member
They are my favorite snail. You wont see them until something falls on the sand dead. They do come out at night and clean the glass but rarely with the lights on.
They kinda look like that star trek movie the wrath of kahn. That thing in the sand that moves around...Well with out that whole mind control thing.