Disappearing Peppermint Shrimp?


I just got a peppermint shrimp the other day and i cannot find it anywhere. I checked under rocks and everything. Other things in my tank are a yellowbelly damsel, an ocellaris clown, a yellow tang, a cleaner shrimp, a clean up crew: 5 hermits, 5 turbo snails, and an emerald crab, and lastly a condylactis anemone. I think the anemone ate him.

payton 350

Give it a few days ....look for a molt of it ....mine tends to stay behind and under the rocks during light hours and will scavenge the tank and clean the fish at nite...just make sure it's not caught in any ph's.....look for the antenae if it behind the rocks that's how i know where mine is.......i once lost mine for 6 weeks..thought it was gone then happened to look at the tank at the right time and BOOM! there he was and HUGE! :jumping:
This was about 2 days after i had gotten it.

arch scot

in one of my saltwater tanks i thought that i had lost a tetra, he was gone for three months but when i went to clean the tank he appeared out of nowwhere. it is very possible that his still there. I don't know about moving the rock and still nothing. I hope that he eventually comes home.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Soldier0117
I just got a peppermint shrimp the other day and i cannot find it anywhere. I checked under rocks and everything. Other things in my tank are a yellowbelly damsel, an ocellaris clown, a yellow tang, a cleaner shrimp, a clean up crew: 5 hermits, 5 turbo snails, and an emerald crab, and lastly a condylactis anemone. I think the anemone ate him.

How big is the tank?
What are your specific tank water parameters?
How did you acclimate?
It is tempting to think it was eaten, but with a new shrimp in a tank, it is also highly possible it died first.


Tank Size: 55 gal.
I acclimated by floating for 20-30 min. then added water from my tank to his bag then floated another 10 min. then released him.
Water Conditions
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: about 20
pH: between 7.8 and 8.0 ( I realize this is low but I'm going to buff the water, I just did a massive water change because I haven't changed it for awhile and I think this is why it is lower)


Active Member
THis is a touch on the low side for inverts, IMO, and could have been a possible problem with a limited acclimation.