disappearing polyps


I bought a piece of lr at my lfs the other day that had 4 or 5 mushrooms and a small patch of yellow polyps. During the first 5 or 6 hours, the polyps were open and seemed to be doing fine, but I haven't seen them since! The "mat" is still there, but they won't open. The mushrooms are fine and I have a large rock that has green star polyops on it that opens daily. Does anyone have any ideas on what happened and/or how to rescue the yellow polyps? The only think I can think of is that I might have rushed the aclimation process, but like I said, the shrooms are fine, and I have always heard that polyps are hardy little things.
Here are the details on the tank...55 gallons, a bunch of lr, 2 damsels and 3 green chromis, 1 banded shrimp, 1 camel, several turbos and 10 or 20 blue and red legged hermits.
Levels are all okay, except my nitrates are a little high (20-30), and my sg was at 1.024 (i was gone on vacation and evaporation did it's thing). BTW...is a 20 or 30 reading on nitrates awful?
I have 120 watts on the tank. I put the lr about halfway up, with light water flow.
INcidentally, 5 or 6 months ago I bought some button polyps and they did the same thing...just closed up and never opened again!


Active Member
I'll put my money on the cammelback shrimp. They are not reefsafe with polyps. He was probably picking at them. Also, you have 120 watts of what kind of lighting?