Disaster adding fish


New Member
:help: :help: I have a 72 gal fish only tank that has been going for almost a year. I have numerous fish (yellow tang, tasseled filefish, percula & tomato clowns, coral beauty, puffer, etc). These fish have been in the tank for the entire time and are growing & doing well. Water quality is excellent with frequent water changes.
Whenever I add a new fish, it survives only 3-5 days and then dies. There are no "attack" marks and no sign of diseases. They seem active, most eat OK (mysis, formula 1 & seaweed) and then die. I have even moved rock around to avoid terriatoriality, but all to no avail. I also float the new fish and acclimate them over an hour or two.
Anyone out there have any ideas what might be happening? It's very frustrating!
Steve (the fish assasin)


Active Member
Your parameters could be way off causing the fish to stress to much. Or way different from the LFS. Have you tried a different LFS. Have you attempted different species of fish? Depending on where they were collected from could have a serious affect on their health.


Active Member
my guess would be, well, first of all, that is a lot of fish for a tank that size.... but my guess would be the LFS. some LFSs keep their FO tanks at a salinity of 1.009 to make sure that ick doesnt take over. acclimating a fish that much in such a short time would probably kill them. judging by the number of days they die, i am going to ahve to say it is acclimation shock. so you are acclimating them for 1-2 hours..... HOW are you acclimating them for 1-2 hours!?!! are you using the drip method? this makes a difference IMO.


New Member
What's LFS?
Hot883: There may be some truth to what you say. A 5 stripe wrasse and a goby have done OK.
Fishiness: I usually float the bags for a while and then slowly dump out bag water and add tank water over that period. Next time I will try the drip method. Do you just use a piece of air tubing?
Thanks for the reponse


Active Member
yup. a thin piece or airline tubing. just tie a knot on the end to get a slow drip. a few a second, depending on how much water you start out with. just make sure it quadruples over like 2 hours.