disaster has struck


think I have one fish who has some itch so went to a shop for some advise now they offered me a copper solution which I checked on the internet indeed would help against Itch now none of them ever mentioned anything of the disastrous effects copper has on anemons and or coral so disaster has struck now!!!!!
Guess we all have to learn the hard way but this is an extremely hard way!!
Anyone any advise or am I F°°°°
do I have to start my whole system new or will this copper eventually disolve and start with that. My fish dont seem to have any problems just my anemons and certain corals are mashed up to say the least??
Any advise welcome
and oh yes what a happy christmas??


Cuprisorb by Seachem, and Poly Filters by Poly Bio Marine.
and lots of water changes


oh wow...sorry to hear what happened. i am new to saltwater as well.
set up a small 10 gallon tank for medicating your fish. no matter what your LFS says you should never add medications to your display tank.
hope it all works out i would be bumbed


dude that blows. Ive found lfs are sometimes good. Alot of them are in it for the money and will avoid telling you things to make money. I once coppered my main tank back in the day. I had a semi reef tank goin. Ummm I took everything out though. HAd multiple water tests and it said no trace of copper. So none-the-less I put everything back in. Wrong idea. GOrgonians, anemones, crabs, snails, cucumbers, all died!
If you get copper remover i would try to stir up bottom a lot to make sure you get all copper out. Wait a few months better safe than sorry. Patience is the key now


Well-Known Member

You have to start over. You can't use the rock, or sand once you dose with copper in a reef no matter how many water changes. Copper remover will not work on the rock and sand.
A single penny would wreck havok, to dose for copper in a reef is total loss.
You could go fish only. I am not sure but I don't think you can even keep any inverts like hermit crabs.
They should post on copper...DANGER do not use in reef systems. So, so sorry for your loss.