


I put in a very nice looking green bubble tip anenome in my tank. He looked very happy, settled rite into a spot and weded himself beteen a few rocks. After about 30 minutes he was fully open and looking great. Later that night I went to sleep, the light on the tank went off, the moon lights went on. I woke up the next morning to a tank that looked like it was full of milk! Some how, my bubble tip went threw my filtration. Which proptly killed him. Thankfully the water quality is ok and still nseems to be ok(testing daily). I managed to ge the water almost perfictly clear about in about 3 hours. Whichis not bad being its 75 gallons of water. Im just totoaly confused on why and how it managed it get sucked into the intake for my filtration.


Never thought you'd have to baby proof the aquarium did ya? Try having a nudibranch.
Sorry to hear about it but the first thing its going to do is wonder about looking for a good place to be. Where ever water is being sucked up or pushed out there is current, and they are looking for the perfect current. Without proper protection they are going to be sucked up. This is about the second or third thread in the last week about anemones getting sucked up into intakes.
TIP: Sponge filter


Thats the thing it seemed it likes where it was at with the current, and lighting. Plus in order to get to the in-take he would have had to crawl halfway across the tank over a pretty good pile of rocks to get there. It not eassily accessable to most creatures in the tank. It funnly to mention a nudibranch, I was thining about getting one in a few months. Guess I'll have to look into some kind of more protection for him. I have moved the in-take in question to the compltly other side of the tank in preperation for when I do get another anenome. But I think im going to wait a bit first.