Discovery Channel


tonight on the Discovery Channel is Australia's Reef Warriors. This is on at 7pm ET.
It's about sharks, cone snails, blue ringed octopus......


The blue ringed octopus wasn't on this show, that was my mistake. When they said dangerous octopus, I thought they meant the blue ring. Sorry.
Other than that, it was an excellent program.
That show had a nice piece on Mantis Shrimp....good info for those who are not familiar with these evil critters. Although some may say they are "cool looking", it is best to know about them so you can understand why all your tank critters keep missing with one of these guys in there.


I saw the show and it was realy good, realy liked the pics of the mantis shrimp but just so you know they did show the blue ring for a minute it was blue rings on the breeding seg on the octopus. but any ways beautiful pis of the reef and many of our own inhabitants as well as the reefs.