discovery cove


Has anyone ever been to discovery cove in Florida to swim with the Dolphins and the reef? I would be interested in your feedback.


Lovethesea, any pictures you can share?
How old was your son, I have a 6 and 7.5 year old. Was not sure if I wanted to take them or leave them with grand parents.

nemo lover

I have never had a chance to go yet. But it sounds awsome when I was younger I went to this marine camp in florida and swam with wild dolphins.
I know theres a dicovery cove in orlando, and theres a similar program at the miami sea aquarium. I am not sure how great they are. but lets be realistic you get to swim with dolphins. How bad could it be?


Active Member
ive never been but, ive heard u have to wear life vests, and i cant see swimming around and goin under water with one on. i live right on the beach and have swam with them and there very uncomfortable , and i just cant see wearing one and having a good time. idk if its like that at all places though.


Active Member
I am not at home right now, so I can post pics later. You don't wear a life vest. You wear a vest of theirs so they can see you in the water. It has a slight floatation bubble in the back. When you have your encounter with the dolphins you swim out into their "lagoon" and have to tread water. And let me tell you its C O L D. We will be purchasing an inexpenisve bodysuit for out son. He has no body fat on him.
You can take you son, he will love it. Its just up to you if you want him to do the dolphin swim. He can do the swim, just stay at the side and the trainters will let him interact at the ledge. OR you can let him swim out depending on his level of swimming ability.


I've been before it's a good time. The time with the dolphins is short but the rest of the day is a blast. Snorkling with the sting rays and other fish I did that for hours. And there is a bird area you can feed really cool birds they come land on you.