Disease identification


New Member
Hello. My yellow tang is showing signs of some sort of disease or ?? He has a reddish/orange discoloration on the top of his fin, the back near his tail on both sides of his body and a bit between his eyes down to his cute little mouth. He's eating, swimming, and breathing fine. Water is 82degrees, 7.8 pH 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 20 nitrate. Last water change was 2 weeks ago. I've had him for about 3 weeks. Any suggestions? The discoloration does not look like a growth on the scales but rather almost like a bruising. Thanks :confused:


Tangs are sensitive to water chemistry, The red ness on its body and lips are usually caused by one of two things bacterial infection or water quality. your ph is low and your nitrates are high. i would do a water change to lower your nitrates and recheck your ph after if it has not gone to 8.2 use a buffer. What type of filter system are you useing and what substrate do you have cc or live sand? What size is you tang and what other fish do you have?