

New Member
I am new to this hobby. I have had a 55 gallon for about 2 months. After a few bumps in the road I got it cycled. I ahve had 2 damsels for about 2 weeks. 2 days ago I added a clown and a blennie. All was well, but last night I noticed the clown did not look well and did not eat. This AM I noticed the tiny white dots on him; is there anything that I can do or is my entire tank doomed to a slow death? The other fish look ok so far. Any advice would be appreciated. I also have 45 lbs of live rock and 5 turbos and 5 hermits. Thanks.


If you have a quar. tank, I would quar. him immediatley. I would also suggest posting in disease forum. Those guys (girls) know a lot and have helped me many times.
Tiny white dots.....is he scratching himself against the rock....could be ich. Any white dots on the other fish??
When you post in the disease forum -- remember to note current feeding habits, acclimation technique and overall health of tank (water parameteres)
Good Luck