Diseased Clown Fish - Help!


New Member
I have had my two clown fish for going on 2 years now and have never had a problem with them until just recently. Within the past week my juvenile emporator, and 3 heniochus butterfly fish died within days of each other. All of my corals are doing fine and all of my other fish have not been effected. But within the last day or so my 2 clown's health has been deteriorating. It almost looks like they have ICH but they aren't rubbing against anything and they seem to be doing fine other than it looks like they have "really dry skin". It appears like they have white flaky skin on them and I am not sure what this is. Any ideas?



question, you have had the two clowns for two years. How about the rest of the fish, how long have you had them.
Can you give us any parameters of the tank? Something could be effecting their slime coat?
Do any of those grains seem to be coming off? I know my tomato Clown can look like she has a weird parasite, because she will move the sand out of one corner of her tank. Has done that for a long time, I have always assumed nesting behavior.
Just tossing ideas out there? Good luck and sorry for your loss.


Well-Known Member
Hi, welcome to the site...I'm so sorry it's under these circumstances.
Sure looks like Ich to me....go to the top of this section, and look at the pictures Beth posted on what sick fish look like to compare.
ich affects the gills. If it is Ich, don't try any of those "reef safe" bogus cures, the parasite will fall off (which it would do anyway) but only to breed anew. Follow what Beth tells you to do about moving all of your fish to a hospital tank for copper or hypo treatment...leave the display without any fish for 8 weeks, so the parasite will die off without a host.


Most def ick I just went thru the same thing with my clowns go out and buy coppersafe by sentry its not invert safe for a whole month but it does wonders I promise it will clear it right up


Ive tried almost every medicine none worked ick is a pest that doesnt go away easy and I wasnt going to lose anymore fish if u wanna get rid of it use the coppersafe