Hi everyone... My tank is just starting the second week of its cycling period... I have 4 damsels and a clownfish, and I'm learning now it was probably a mistake to move so quickly to getting fish... Today I found one of my domino damselfish to have a small cluster of brown dots just above one of his eyes, on his head. Another fish, a blue colored damsel has a whitish yellow cluster on his head that i'm noticing now that I'm looking but that may have been there all along. Lastly, the clownfish looks like he has white eyelids but the eyes are not popping out or cloudy at all. The ammonia levels in the tank are still at 0.1 What do you guys think my fish have and what should I do?? Also, if this helps, there is a brownish powder that developed over the past couple days all over the gravel and rock.