diseased flame hawk


the flame hawk i have has been in my tank for probably about 3 weeks now. It is in a 37 with a christmas wrasse and a snowflake moray. It is eating fine but has been fed mostly flakes. Its color has faded a bit and it has these white translucent long things on it that are tiny and i am pretty sure they are some type of copepod but they are sucking blood im pretty sure and move around to get to a better spot on the hawk. what should i do to change the color of the hawk and how should i remove the milky translucent things on the hawk that i am positive is not ich.
Better post this in the disease and treatment forum. Sounds like a real problem brewing that will require a Q tank and probably returning 2 of the 3 items mentioned to your LFS.
You'll need to post more particulars about your tank. Like all your recent water parameters, amount of livestock, age of tank and so forth.