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I've got a Kole Tang that had some sort of fungal infection before. I treated him in the QT tank for a month before. He started to feel better and looking better. I put him back in his main tank for about a week now and tonight when I come home, he was laying on the bottom of the tank. I do not understand what is going on with him. The other two fish are looking just fine, niger trigger and a yellow tang. He seems to be covered with a white film all over. All of his spots from before hasn't all gone away yet either. He's looking very pale. I read in the fish section that they're supposed to be easy to take care of. All I've been having is trouble with this one. I don't know what else to do for him. I have him in a QT tank right now, he just lays on the bottom not moving. Fixing to do the same treatment he had before by using Maroxy. I don't think he's gonna make it through the night...help me!!!