disgruntled anemone?


Is my anemone disgruntled or dying?
I had my green carpet on one rock at the top side of my tank under 4 96w pc lights, he moved down to span both rocks, I don't know if he slipped or not, but the side of him got wedged between the two rocks. I moved one to free him, and now he is closing and going furhter down in to the tank away from the light. Is he dying, still acclimating, or disgruntled?
I have had him for about 3 days, and prior to last night, he was wide open, eating and standing tall. seems that after lights out last night, he has been going down.
(this stuff always happens away while I am gone, so of course I do not have parameters, but the other day when he was added, all water levels were good)


Desribe water levels are good? They will not accept anything less that really good. How long and how did you acclimate him?


acclimation was a 3 hour drip.
are there signs that I should be looking for for death?
I also have a pink tip that is doing great, despite getting sucked into the power head after climbing up my glass, I saw it happen so rescue was in less than a minute... I also have a Florida Condi that is doing well. He is quite the roamer though. I have tried to squeeze him onto a rock with a crevice just right for his little foot, but he keeps jumping out and is much happier on my sand bed.


One sign is a gaping mouth. The mouth will be open from time to time but not for very long. Honestly he don't look to good, sad to say. He will stink a little to if he dies. As far as the condi they will roam until they fing there home and even then might pack up and move again. I have found that a carpet is alot more sensitive that a condi so any ammoni, nitrites, low ph, low temp all could have an adverse affect on him. What are your tests saying???


I have not had a chance to test today, but the tamp is holding steady at 79.
His mouth has been open since I got him, albeit sometimes smaller than others.
what should I do? Do I leave him in there to die, take him out? is there anything I can give him that will cheer him up?


Adhering to the rock is still a good sign.
However it is still bunched up, seems to have a stressed collar around the capitulum which could be a stress sign also.
It is going to natually head straight for the bottom of the tank, that is where carpets like to be, not on the rocks normally.
What size tank is this? Lighting only 4x96? Thats PC lighting?
Sorry can't hang around going straight to bed after I answer a few others.


I tried to pull him off the rock when he was pinched, he did not want to let go, That is encouraging :).. maybe that stressed him.. I guess I can move the other rock out of his way and make some room on the sand bed for him, if that will make him happy. My tank is a 65G 24 inches high. I can prolly move the glass over him to ensure more light for him. Do you think a nice mid-day snack of some gohst shrimp would make him happy, or is there something else he might enjoy more? I think he already ate one of my hermits...


feeding is always good, it will help. Never pull him off the rock or move him. Let it go where it wants to go..


thanks guys!!!
I will be going to get him some apolgy snacks tomorrow
I thought since they like alot of light, he would be happy up high.. so, down to the sand he will go!!
I will post (hopefully) some happier pics of him, and my growing tank.. there's life in that their tank now :jumping: :jumping:


I think he will be fine..just leave him go where he wants to go, his color is ok and he is sticking so that is a good sign. I think the more you mess with him the more he will shrink from you (going down into the rock) maybe he's scared. New inviroment and all, let us know how he is doing in a couple of days.