disinfecting with vinigar?


Active Member
i was wonder if you could use vinigar to disinfect thiings that would go inside the aquarium? would it be harmful to fish?
i know that vinagar is used when i clean my fresh water tanks and i have not had any problems, but i do not know how it would react to salt water. it shoudl be fine, but i would do some other research and see but i don't think that it really disinfects objects in the tank but it is a great glass cleaner.


Its safe I use it on all pumps, powerheads, air tubes, calcified bio balls, clean the glass on the outside and even in my kalkwasser mix that goes in my tank. Except for the kalk mix I rinse everything else off before reuse.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by wablondie98664
i was wonder if you could use vinigar to disinfect thiings that would go inside the aquarium? would it be harmful to fish?

To me there is no need to disinfect things you put in saltwater tanks. The saltwater itself kills teriestrial and freshwater bacteria.
Sure I do clean tanks that have been in storage with bleach. And my 1/2 of my filter pads each week. But that is just to clean them. I then rinse them several times and let them air dry.