Dissapearing clownfish!!!


I was going to San Antonio for three days. Before I left both of my clownies were fine, all of my tank was fine! But when I came back my female clown was gone!!! It was either a female or a soon to be female cause it was consideritably larger than my other clown. I checked all around my tank to make sure it hadn't jumped out but it wasn't there! I even put food in my tank but I still didn't see my clown! And that is odd cause you know about clowns and their food. A couple of weeks before I had left I noticed some monor white dots on her. I read something in a book about a disease called white dot. It didn't seem like anything serious but I still just fed them a little more nutrisious food. Before I left he seemed to be holding back on his food a little bit. Like he didn't start eating for a little while even though he saw the food. Does anyone have any info. on this disease or think he died of a different cause. Or just want to back up my anwer?


Active Member
Originally Posted by meeks101
I was going to San Antonio for three days. Before I left both of my clownies were fine, all of my tank was fine! But when I came back my female clown was gone!!! It was either a female or a soon to be female cause it was consideritably larger than my other clown. I checked all around my tank to make sure it hadn't jumped out but it wasn't there! I even put food in my tank but I still didn't see my clown! And that is odd cause you know about clowns and their food. A couple of weeks before I had left I noticed some monor white dots on her. I read something in a book about a disease called white dot. It didn't seem like anything serious but I still just fed them a little more nutrisious food. Before I left he seemed to be holding back on his food a little bit. Like he didn't start eating for a little while even though he saw the food. Does anyone have any info. on this disease or think he died of a different cause. Or just want to back up my anwer?
Look at the disease forums...Im not an expert, but little white dots is a common way to describe ich, however its not 100% certainty. I have read here in some instances people describing issues like this where its assumed to be ich but it turns out not. In either case the change in appetite and the blemishes on it. I would guess it did have something wrong with it and it did die from what ever it was, in your absence. Sorry for your loss.