dissappearing anenome


New Member
I need some help. I have had two anenomes die on me. When they die, the just disintagrate. I have had this happen to a green bubble tip, and a long tentecle. They do fine for awhile, then one day just fade away. I have a condi, and a curly q in my tank that have had no problems. Anyone have any ideas? suggestions??


Active Member
It's probably related to you equipment (lighting) or tank water chemistry...
Post age of tank equipment and ALL of your water paramaters


Originally Posted by nwreef
I need some help. I have had two anenomes die on me. When they die, the just disintagrate. I have had this happen to a green bubble tip, and a long tentecle. They do fine for awhile, then one day just fade away. I have a condi, and a curly q in my tank that have had no problems. Anyone have any ideas? suggestions??
That sucks!