Distance for lighting?


Just wondering how much above the water line I should mount my lighting. Here is what I plan on having:
(2) 48" VHO URI AquaSuns
(2) 48" VHO URI Actinics
My tank is 26" high. So what would you recommend the the height of my lighting. My canopy will be 18" by 18" by 62".
It will be a FOWLR and LS.


If you are not planning on keeping any corals, just fish and live rock, it really shouldn't matter. With metal halides, the norm is usually 8 - 10 inches. I have kept pc lights just under 4 - 6 inches above the water line. The real thing you need to worry about is water splash on the hot bulbs. Are you having any kind of covering on the tank?


As of right now, no I dont think I am going to have a cover. But do you have any suggestions on a cover, material, etc??


Plexiglass sheets should work fine. you may need to custom cut some. I believe that you may be able to find some of the glass covers from some online stores. If you have a standard tank with a middle brace, they do sell folding glass covers.


That won't diffuse the light at all will it? Obviously it would be better if is was clean and so forth.


you really don't want a cover. It will reduce the light intensity in addition to reducing the gas exchange. If your worried about jumping fish use plastic light diffuser along the open areas on the back of your canopy so there are no open gaps for fish to jump through. As for light placement in terms of height you want them high enough so they do not transfer heat to your tank water. MH about 4" minimum and that is pretty low but it works 8" - 10" is better. VHO can actually go lower than that but your canopy is plenty tall if I'm reading the measurements right.