Divider versus multiple tanks?


Active Member
I'm very new to saltwater but am already thinking about my "upgrade" in the next few months while I experiment and learn on my 12-gallon nano. I originally thought that my next tank would be as big as I could possibly manage but now I'm having second thoughts. The more I read and learn the more I realize it's not the size of the tank that is so important to me but more that I am torn between wanting to keep several different KINDS of tanks. I would love to have a puffer. I would love to have seahorses. I would love to have some non-aggressive fish. I realize I can't have all of that in one tank so I guess my ideal set-up would be a few different tanks, but obviously that will get very involved in plumbing, set-up, maintenance, etc. Probably more than I can handle at this beginning newibe stage. I can't help but wonder -- is it feasible to have one big tank with a divider in it to keep different types of livestock rather than having 2 or 3 separate tanks? I've never seen pix of one nor heard anyone talk about one so there must be a good reason no one does it, right?