New Member
Hello all
I used to keep a few different tanks but had to give them up when I went off to college. I am graduating soon and looking to put a tank or two up again. I want to start with my 55 plexi and build around a miniatus grouper, and am looking for advice.
All I was using in my FO 55 gal before I took it down was an undergravel with a couple of powerheads, so I figure I need to go a bit further. I'm hoping someone can enlighten me as to approprite filtration for a fo tank of my size. I was also using crushed coral, but from reading the boards it looks as though it is going out of style.
Also I have kind of a thing for miniatus' so I want to build a tank around one and really have no idea what else I should, or could, keep in the tank. When I had my 55 gal up several years ago I had a miniatus, but added a lion, which spooked it pretty good. In fact after day three of their cohabitation I found my poor poor grouper had found a way to jump from the tank and committ suicide by crusting up on my carpet
. So I was wondering if you all had suggestions for good tank mates. Can I keep a coral beauty or two in there for color? Do they get along in pairs? Will it eat a cleaner wrasse?
My apologies for my almost total fishkeeping ignorance, I'm hoping you all can enlighten me. Thanks in adavace
I used to keep a few different tanks but had to give them up when I went off to college. I am graduating soon and looking to put a tank or two up again. I want to start with my 55 plexi and build around a miniatus grouper, and am looking for advice.
All I was using in my FO 55 gal before I took it down was an undergravel with a couple of powerheads, so I figure I need to go a bit further. I'm hoping someone can enlighten me as to approprite filtration for a fo tank of my size. I was also using crushed coral, but from reading the boards it looks as though it is going out of style.
Also I have kind of a thing for miniatus' so I want to build a tank around one and really have no idea what else I should, or could, keep in the tank. When I had my 55 gal up several years ago I had a miniatus, but added a lion, which spooked it pretty good. In fact after day three of their cohabitation I found my poor poor grouper had found a way to jump from the tank and committ suicide by crusting up on my carpet
My apologies for my almost total fishkeeping ignorance, I'm hoping you all can enlighten me. Thanks in adavace