Diving back in to fishkeeping, looking for guidance...


New Member
Hello all
I used to keep a few different tanks but had to give them up when I went off to college. I am graduating soon and looking to put a tank or two up again. I want to start with my 55 plexi and build around a miniatus grouper, and am looking for advice.
All I was using in my FO 55 gal before I took it down was an undergravel with a couple of powerheads, so I figure I need to go a bit further. I'm hoping someone can enlighten me as to approprite filtration for a fo tank of my size. I was also using crushed coral, but from reading the boards it looks as though it is going out of style.
Also I have kind of a thing for miniatus' so I want to build a tank around one and really have no idea what else I should, or could, keep in the tank. When I had my 55 gal up several years ago I had a miniatus, but added a lion, which spooked it pretty good. In fact after day three of their cohabitation I found my poor poor grouper had found a way to jump from the tank and committ suicide by crusting up on my carpet :( . So I was wondering if you all had suggestions for good tank mates. Can I keep a coral beauty or two in there for color? Do they get along in pairs? Will it eat a cleaner wrasse?
My apologies for my almost total fishkeeping ignorance, I'm hoping you all can enlighten me. Thanks in adavace


Active Member
Be sure your tank is a little more mature before you make a investment on a coral beauty. Coral beautys are a type of angels and angels are delicate. I suggest a tang of some sort, and maybe even a a pair of clown fish. Both are colorful and hardy to. As far as substrate goes use live sand. You;ll be able to cycle your tank almost instantly unless you get uncured live rock. If you do use live sand dont use a gravel filter.