DIY Acrylic Stand.


So I might make the Stand and Canopy Acrylic for my new tank project. Has anyone here made an acrylic stand before? Does anyone here have an acrylic stand?
I’m assuming the “Guts” of the Stand are made of “Wood” for strength and the Shell is Acrylic?


Originally Posted by FishRule
So I might make the Stand and Canopy Acrylic for my new tank project. Has anyone here made an acrylic stand before? Does anyone here have an acrylic stand?
I’m assuming the “Guts” of the Stand are made of “Wood” for strength and the Shell is Acrylic?
IF you used really thick acrylic it probably would work BUT as spendy as that is you might as well get wood. *shrug* kinda curious what others will say. Good luck with your project. I am currently in the process of making a acrylic hood for my 15.


Active Member
wow an acrylivc anythign cots a good amount of money.. i ahve an all black acrylic hood for a 120 that i never used.. it looks awesome but would probablky cost alot to build


I was thinking the only major benefit of building an acrylic stand would be the entirety of the bottom could be used as a sump/refuge system. Was that what you were plotting?


I have a 65 gallon tank with an acrylic stand that came with the tank. It will hold water up to the holes where the cords go in the back of it.