DIY baffles


New Member
Looking to make a sump and am still debating whether to use a rubbermaid or just a small aquarium. Either way I'll have to add my own baffles. What sort of adhesive to you recommend, and what material should the baffles be made of?
Also, what do you recommend I put in the sump, once done. Currently my filtration is an Aquaclear 500, so what would be involved in the transition?
Could I take apart the AC500 and use that for the return pump?
All comments and ideas appreciated


Well-Known Member
I just started a refugium with a 15g plastic type container. It was the largest I could fit under my 55g and had to be put in sideways.
My first attempt at baffels was a failure. I simply siliconed in two acrylic sheets. When I added water the container buldged out seperating the baffels from the side. I went to Home Depot with a rough sketch and they cut acrylic to my specifications. It was four sheets of 11x14 that cost about $5.00 and the cuts were no charge. I use an MEK cement (like used in plastic model airplanes) to weld the sheets together. I just taped the sheets together while they set. This box will be placed inside the container with sand/water around it. Therefore it does not have to be totally water tight. Just good enough to direct the water.
I power it with a powerhead and found that the plumbing while easy in concept, does take a little effort.
I am very glad I tested the system and purchased an hang on back overflow. Make sure that a power outage does not create a flood. I forgot that a syphon existed with the powerhead off. And insure that the system works when the power is restored. A simple u tube over the back will prevent a flood when the power goes out. But if the syphon is broken, the display will flood when the power is restored.
For filter media I am using porous lava rocks and Crushed coral. In the refugium side I have play sand with macros.
So far I like the system and hope to get rid of my HOB filter eventually.


That looks good. Keep us posted on the progress of your project!
I am starting mine today... should be able to post pics a little later.


i am going to baffle my 55gal that i use for a sump. Not sure exactly what i am going to do though.