DIY Calcium reactor wanted.


Active Member
Guys, i'm looking for good single chamber calcium reactor DIY plan. Also, could you draw a diagram of how does this unit works.
Thanks in advance.

richard rendos

Active Member
I used plans from Geo's Reef and slightly modified them...this is one that I built...working a new one now with a spray bar inside to more evenly distribute the water/CO2 inside the chamber.

Geo's Reef


Active Member
Richard, so this is the one you use in your SPS tank, right?
if so, do you have a PH controller?
Can you use Calcium rector w/o PH controller?
Is this better idea to build dual chamber reactor?
Thanks in advance

richard rendos

Active Member
This is the reactor I use on the SPS tank. I have a pH controller but don't use it (except to monitor pH). I think a dual chamber calcium reactor is much more efficient than a single stage. The pH of the effluent in most single stage reactors is low enough to dissolve more media...especially if you have a lot of SPS/clams/corals that use a lot of calcium. I added a second chamber to this one...just not in the picture.


Active Member
Hey Richard,
i really appreciate your help!!!
I have another question for ya. The reactor i'm going to build will be from Geo's reef (dual chamber) web site. So, what should be the recirculation pump flow rate and head pressure. Also what should be the flow rate and head pressure of the pump, which will feed the reactor from the sump???
Also, what is the water flow direction through the reaction chamber: upwards or downwards??? I really feel so stupid, 'cause looking at thousands of reactor pictures it seems to me that pump installed so, that the water flow is downwards, but logically it should be upwards (from the base of the unit towards the top). I really need clarification about that, so i can start building one.
Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Here comes another question. There is a possibility that water that leaves the reaction chamber (in case of Single chamber reactor) will still contain CO2. What if the water will leave into the small container that will be aerated with common air pump and only after that will go back into the system? In this case you eliminate CO2 and don't need secondary chamber. Will this work?

richard rendos

Active Member
Interesting idea about aerating the water before it re-enters the tank water. Not sure how that would work...
as for the pump, I use a Mag 2 (200 gph), and the new design is to have the water flow the other the bottom and out the top. I think it would make it more efficient. I use a Maxi-Jet 600 for the feed pump from the sump to the reactor. I made an attachment to the powerhead that reduces it down to airline tubing size, but I have seen people use 1/2" tubing directly to the reactor.


Active Member

Originally posted by Richard Rendos
Interesting idea about aerating the water before it re-enters the tank water. Not sure how that would work...

Well, i heard that it works great!!!
Richard, thank you very much for your help. I really appreciate that.


Active Member
Thanks Richard!!! I will update on project;)
BTW i will try to get parts here in Israel. :D
One last question is about the glue. The only one i could find available to buy was Weld-on 4. Most projects use weld-on 40. Will Weld-on 4 be OK?
Guys here use something called "CHLOROPHORM" for join acrylic parts together. As they say it creates reaction between two parts and turns them into one part. But it's really impossible to get here without some friends in chemistry labs :(