DIY Canopy


New Member
Just wanted to share with everyone here my canopy I built about a month ago. It took me a week to build it and am very happy with the results, I even surprised myself. Inside I have 220 watts PC (2 white, 2 actinic) and 1 175 watt MH. I used to have a Hamilton hood but of course did not look too good on a bow front hanging by a chain, so I used the parts of the old hood and added the MH. I also installed 2 fans, one on each side and my water temp stays right around 82. Building your own hood is easier than you think and I would highly recommend it to anyone. If I can do it, anyone can. It turns out to be a lot cheaper too.
Thank you


Your canopy looks great. I am planning on doing the same thing for my 72 bow if I can ever find the time. Did you use plans to build, or did you just wing it? (I am currently planning on the "winging it" approach). If you have any plans or more photos, I would really appreaciate it if you could e-mail them to me at Again, looks great!


New Member
Thank you bfrink and Broomer.
I just winged it, sorry, no plans. Here is another picture with the lid open. The only real hard part was bending the wood for the bow. It is built all in pine so it would be easier to work with. What I did to bend it was to cut some kerfs on the inside of the front, about every 1/2 inch and wet the wood. I let it sit on a stand for a couple days with a cinder block in the middle to start the bend. Then I built 2 frames with the correct bend and attached it to the inside front, one on top and one on the bottom. I painted the inside white for more reflection. It was very challenging but worth it. I will try to take more close up photos when I can.
Thank you


Active Member
Great Job! I have a 72 bow as well. Was considering a hood and still may do one in the future. I was thinking of using luan (door vaneer) and bending it around a frame to make the bow. Mines black so it would be painted anyway. I like your method better. Makes for a stronger hood.
I saved your pictures for my future plans. Thanks for sharing.