DIY EXTernal Overflow Help


New Member
I'm really wanting to do a DIY ext oveflow, but I cant really decide on what method to use for the notch for the overflow.. I got got plenty experience n access to a glass hole saw, do you think I could use it to create that?? kinda do them in a linear form.. hard to explain. I have an acrylic overflow to go in front of it, so it dont have to look pretty.... I got a rimless tank, w/ 3/8" glass..


New Member
anyone?? Basically I need to know how to safely cut a notch in 3/8" glass.. Cmon here people, help me out!!! lol

veni vidi vici

Active Member
I have considered this method on my 125 but i couldnt figure out a good way to do it without affecting the integrity of the tank. Any notches or slits you cut in glass that high will surely weaken the glass,unless you were to add bracing.The idea i settled for was to drill for bulkheads and install a thin ,long weir inside with
a box with plumbing on the outside. Or you could add bulkheads going into a exterior box with a weir then plumbing.Sort of like a box inside of a box.
But then again ...what do i know
If you want to cut a notch have you considered using a Dremel or Roto Zip with diamond bit?