DIY Fuge help


I HAD 2 55g before the move, now i have 1 and 4/5 of a tank. The one tank boke (end glass), the other one I am using in my current setup.
I was thinking of using my broken 55g for the fuge, and adding another compartment or 2, since it will fit nicely under my current 55g (on an iron stand) would this be too much of an overkill?

how high would i need the baffles?
what size return pump should i get?
BTW i just noticed I would need another set of baffles after the bioballs and before the Live sand ;)
Also as far as lighting goes, could i get away with el cheapo hood light (aka the standard ones that come in tank kits, since i have a few lying around) and just put in a a 10k and actinic bulb?


this is what i did...

you can combine some of those chamers into one to give yourself more room
for example, you can eliminate the bioballs if you have live rock... plus you can combine the area for live sand & live rock into one 'refugium'
you will want to seperate the skimmer from the return pump too.... bubbles could become a problem...
here's what i would do... have your intake pipe flow into the skimmer section (sump) then over/under/over a set of baffles into the refugium. then over/under/over a second set of baffles into a chamber for the return pump....
split your intake (like mine) - one half to the fuge one half to the skimmer and have both ends flow to the middle area where you can keep the return pump.
for the pump you would need to know;
how much water is flowing into the sump/fuge?
how many feet of head you have?
what are you gph goals?


New Member
I wouldnt put the skimmer in the return chamber youll most likely get lots of unwanted micro bubble in you display tank.