DIY Light Mod



Ok - first post here so please be gentle.

My VHO ballast took a dump awhile back
and I don't have the money to replace it. So I had this grand idea to modify some old lights that I had from previous tanks. Basically the standard plastic light strips that come with a standard tank - I rip the ballast and wiring out of them and connect the standard rubber end caps and viola - a new light system.
The question is this - I am trying to figure out the best place to mount the new(er) ballast(s) in the cabinet that is easy to get to, will stay dry, won't take up storage space and not have wires strung all over creation.
Any ideas?
I have a 125g with a standard enclosed oak stand and hood btw.


Ack - Sorry - I am downgrading to standard bulbs. This tank will be just for my larger fish (groupers, etc). I will be setting up a 75g later to be my "pretty" tank.


I'm not sure on the best way to do it, but it's a neat idea using the recycled light cases to fix it.


Active Member
as for balast placment find a hard drive holder off an old pc slide it in and wham you have a holder now just simply

it into the inside of your canopy use something to keep it steady and in place toss a pc fan next to it and your done.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fats71
as for balast placment find a hard drive holder off an old pc slide it in and wham you have a holder now just simply

it into the inside of your canopy use something to keep it steady and in place toss a pc fan next to it and your done.
wow you can't say sc_rew on here,
over protective are we