DIY Liverock


I did a search here but didnt find to much on diy liverock. There is a guy on ---- that is selling a booklet on diy liverock. Does anyone have any experience with this? Good ..bad...


New Member
I bought a book off ---- like that, it's probably the same guy.
YOu need to have the Caribbean sand and crushed oyster shells. I never actually did it though.


this is what you need. ready
you need type one or type two portland cement.
you need crushed oystershells
you can get them at any feed store or chicken farm
get a rubbbermaid container
get sand (any type)
fill the container with damp sand
dig out a pattern you like
mix the cement and shells in a 4x1 ratio
4 shells and 1 cement
pour the mixture in the sand bed and cover it. put it under your bed or something and forget about it for about a week
take out the cement and rinse it in water
then place it in a trash container and place a power head in it. change the water every few days.
be careful not to get your hands wet with the water because you might burn your hands with the basic water
after about 6 weeks of this and when your water tests neutral then your good to put it in your tank.
i got all this info from another web site and i lost the url but that was the jist of it


New Member
Is this the site you got your info off of?
Looks like the one you wrote about to a tee.
Also has an DIY section for making liverock and getting CORALLINE on it.
Has anyone made there own liverock and ifso what experiences they had.
Looks like a neat way to get you rock to look the way you want rather then hope it all fits together. I know you dont get the good stuff that comes with liverock but also you dont get the bad stuff either.


Don't buy the book off eba. I made the mistake of doing that and its a waste of money. It says 18 pages but its in large print and poorly copied. I got the same info off the internet. And I gave the guy a poor rating and he wrote back saying "if you can't say anything nice keep your mouth shut". And gave me a negative rating even though I paid in less than 24 hours.


Thats 1 of the problems with the bay... anymore sellers wont give you feedback till you leave your feedback and if you leave a negative they give you negative.... ---- is full of scammers!!!!!! ---- is a scam in itself lol.


New Member

Originally posted by Shnabbles
Thats 1 of the problems with the bay... anymore sellers wont give you feedback till you leave your feedback and if you leave a negative they give you negative.... ---- is full of scammers!!!!!! ---- is a scam in itself lol.

I agree with both Shnabbles and kiharaconn on how dealers work on ---- concerning feedback. I have 130 positives with no feedbacks there but have left many more positives then i received.
Many do wait for you to leave feedback before they decide to leave feedback if they leave it at all.
I feel that once they receive the money and if its a satisfactory transaction to them they should leave feedback right then. The 2nd part of the feedback should be your choice without any retribution from the seller if you for whatever reason arent happy with the product. They can always respond if they choose to do so.
I always look at the dealers feedback and and see how they handle a transaction. I have passed up many good deals ( or so they seemed to be ) because of how a dealer treats its customers.
Getting back to my previous post above. Has either one of you tried the diy liverock from the pages i left above. Thanks,


Active Member
You didn't find info on how to make your own liverock you gotta be kidding there are tons of info on some websites. ---- just getting rich off the scam's that go on there. I think they should fix method of having a negative feedback. For making live rock all you need is portland cement and some good substrate sand and add some extra like crushed coral or sea shells. And the rest is just how you do your mix and accumilate your rocks.