
I cant leave well enough alone. We recently found out the lighting the LFS sold us isnt sufficient for the anenomes we'd like (even though we bought the 'better' lights specifically for that purpose).
We have an IceCap 430 ballast and two 140w 60" lights over a 110gal. This breaks down to about 2.55wpg, and Im told we need about 5-6wpg to keep a BTA or long tentacle (sp).
First question: IceCap says I can use PCs with that ballast, but can I get enough light with just the 430 or would I have to add a second one to handle the number of bulbs necessary?
Second question: Today's search found this ballast at
<a href="" target="_blank">MH Ballast</a> and this bulb
<a href="" target="_blank">MH Bulb</a>
All together, two ballasts and two bulbs would equal $207.50 for 500w of lighting. Anyone have any experience with this kind of hardware? Or am I looking at the wrong tools for the job?