DIY Plywood Tank


Thinking of making a small DIY Plywood tank as a reef tank. Will be
24" left to right by
22" Front to back by
24" Tall
How thick glass? should I fiberglass inside or coat with 2 part epoxy? If epoxy can a die be added for color? or is it clear and you paint the wood first?


the ppg paint was $80 for the two gals part a and part b 1:1 mix and it was made for drinking water tanks


yea if that
now what i have is gray but if you want to buy some of it like a Qt of each i could send you some and i used some black 45mil pond liner to protect the paint i might have some left
let me know
when you get your plywood get birch plywood it will come out a lot better and a lot less time spent filling all the little holes


Active Member
this wooden tank has me intrested, i have a couple of questions, how was the liner installed and what did you do for the joints as far as connection goes
*Java i really like your tank the more i think about it, do you think you could email me how you built it and the supplies? or if you dont have time, direct me to a post where you might have already explained it?


i don't have any thing down on paper on how to build it yet but here are some photos, .as far as the liner i just used Silicone to tack it down the water keeps it down and the 500 lbs of rock
you can come out and take a look if you want


Active Member
did you drill any holes for a sump? so you put the liner in and then coated it? I might have to come over and take a look, i think i will have to build one my self.