DIY Protein Skimmer


New Member
Ok so I've skimmed through the diy section and haven't seen anything about DIY protein skimmers.
I recently acquired my dream tank 125g (72x18x24 tall) w/ 40g sump. It's in need of repair but came with 2 24" VHO, 2 48" VHO, and 2 175w MH, with all the balast. Canopy, stand, etc. My LFS owner here is awesome IMO.
The biggest piece of equipment this setup didn't come with is a protein skimmer. So, I figured i would just make my own! Woo my first DIY project!!!!

I've read on other forums that they are almost a science to make but hey... Can it really be that hard? I went to Lowes and bought the essentials for $22.55 exactly! It's going to be a 3" diameter 28" tall. I'll get pictures up later of the building process but its going to be a Venturi. I figured that'd be the easiest to make. But i'm not sure what pump would be good for this? I've seen Sedra, Rio, and Red dragon pumps. Red dragon and Sedra seem the best makes, but Rio is considerably cheaper!
Any thoughts would be appreciated!!!


Active Member
Red Dragon pumps are the cream of the crop. You can't even compare the other 2 pumps in it's class. Skimmers are more a science as you stated. I think at 3" diameter your dwell time will not be very good. A big key is what kind of air numbers your pump will pull??? The Red Dragon and even the Sedea I know will be way to much for the 3" skimmer body.


Active Member
The other bit, which is what pretty much stopped me from DYI'ing a skimmer was the material. Aren't you suppose to use extruded acrylic only? Cast acrylic or PVC prevents the bubbles from traveling up the skimmer effective?


Active Member
I don't think cast would stop bubbles rising, I think it has more to do with the price od cast tubing. I bought tubing 6" for my calcium reactor and was roughly $120.00 for 2-3' so cast would really drive skimmer prices up. What I was really trying to state and not discourage by any means is there's more to it than buying tubing and a pump and venturi. Even if you copy a well known skimmer you'd be better off than adlibbing it. Just look at some of your better made skimmers and size of bodies, even the necks are designed a certain way for certain affects on performance. Some have bubble plates, while others don't??
If you go back and read alot of material about guys making skimmers out of square acrylic you'll understand about efficiency.


New Member
I had a feeling when i got home that 3" wouldn't be good enough. I have seen some massive skimmers and one that the LFS recommended was roughly 6" in diameter. As for the material and pump. I've never seen any one type of material specified but i do see the logic :D and the pump as well. Hmm i may try to rethink this and come back to it.


Active Member
I love seeing the DIY skimmers so don't be can be done out of PVC if you opt to go the route. I was only commenting for a tank your size and skimmer body of 3", the height of the skimmer would have to be huge. I'm just suggesting to look at some of the better designed skimmers and pattern your build that way. Not saying it can't be done,but with all the time and money that goes in design and build of skimmers, I just don't think your initial plan will be very efficient or handle your setup. What are you brewing over size wise? 6" is fairly common, look at skimmers like the octopus, ATB, etc. Look at body diameters, bubble plate design, neck size and height, also collection cup size....