DIY refuge what do u all think?


here are my plans for my refuge for my 75 gal rr tank. it has a singal overfolw 1" i belive thats 600 gph. all the bubble trats are going to be the same as the one that i labled. any thoughts would help out.


youve put alot into thinking about this set up!
but something i would sujest would be to have both drains dumping in the same chamber and make that chamber big enough to get your skimmer in with it and do away with that last area you have for the skimmer and 1 drain pipe
your baffles look great! but do not need the lip


so you would do a flow through (skimmer fuge return) and i am not planning to any lips on my baffles those are just measurement lines made them a diffrent color dut i see now that they dont look the same on the web.


what type silcone does eveyone use brands would help. went the the hardware store today and WOW there are a lot of chooses.


yup skimmer with the drain in/fuge/return
also with your skimmer so close your return you are likely to pick up some bubbles, always try to keep the skimmer as far away from the return as you can to cut out the bubbles going threw the pump and im sure you know why
witht he way i said you can have a bigger fuge also sence you can do away with one chamber
on the return pump if your tring to make the fuge as big as possibul then it dosent have to run the full width of the side of the sump, can make it fit the pump fairly close


could also put the skimmer on the outside like this if you wanted a even larger fuge.
the drains are comeing in where the skimmer is also


well thanks for your help i had not thought about that the return pump area but that a great idea.
and by the way that rock that i gat from you looks great and has some some really great peice that the packaging was awesome.


oh good it came in alright then? i always worry about the sharp edges will poke a hole in the bags and leak every where
what day did it come in?


it came in on the 13 one day late (ups come not tell me why it sat in nashville for a hole day) but everthing was good when i got it because of ur great packaging.
thanks again for the rock