DIY Refugium help


Hi I have a 55 gal tank & i'm thinking of making my own fuge for it. Could someone help me decide what would be the best size for it and maybe give me some directions? I'd love to see a couple of pics, i've done a search on them but all of the posts that I found had lost their pic's, I guess when the site was redone. Most were also for tanks much bigger than mine. I'd really appreciate any help, Thanks!!!!


Thanks however this guy made a fuge with an in sump style skimmer. My tank is not drilled so I can't go with this style, too bad cause I think it looks like a neat design. Could someone please guide me through making a fuge that doesn't require the in sump skimmer? Please!!!!! Thank you!!!!!


Active Member
You need a hang on overflow box to drain water down to a fuge and a pump in the fuge to pump water back up.
Or a hang on tank fuge with small pump in tank to pump water to fuge and water drains thru hole in the fuge back to tank.
Or above tank fuge works like HOT.


mel's site has plenty of stuff for undrilled tanks.
he even shows you how to create the overflow (which requires no pump).
now, as for your PS. if it can't fit in the sump, you can get an aqua c urchin. those are very slim (3x6 inches) and can also work next to the sump via tubes that come with it.
or hang over the side PS and refugium.