Diy Refugium?


I need step by step instructions for a 10g or 20g refugium. Talk to me like I am 5 years old please! Cheap too! :joy:


do you have a sump already and just wanting to add a fuge to it or are you wanting the whole thing sump and fuge?


No sump. What can i use to pump up the water and down the water? A powerhead won't do? what about the boxes with holes on each side that hang on the back and have a powerhead to flow? do those help? there is a pic on a certain website... wish i could show it.


What size tank do you have. Yes you can use an over flow box that hangs over the side,
Something like this.

but they work off of syphon so you wont need the power head for it. Then you need to determin what size of sump fuge you need or have room for.


You can get a 10g tank from wally world for 9.99. I have two of them for my sump and refug.


Active Member
Google "eshopps" for another type of overflow. I have two of #1's for 75 gal. I don't use the black sponge filters though. I didn't buy them from the manufaturer but rather from an online store in Indianapolis.


Here is my setup under my 55gal. I consist of a 10 gal fuge plumbed into a 20long sump. You can get something like a 30gal long and instead of doing it the complicated way I have done just go with a single tank and glue the glass baffles in to it.



You can get something like a 30gal long and instead of doing it the complicated way I have done just go with a single tank and glue the glass baffles in to it. This is my setup under my 100gal that is just a 55 gal with sump and fuge all in one tank. You also can go the cheap way by useing rubbermaid tubs.



Regarding those pictures of the sump. Wow! That is a first class setup. I like the pvc design and the two overflows.
Mine is the bare bones cheap way out. I would've gone cheaper with a rubbermaid tub, but I wanted to see in the refugium.
I'm no expert, in fact a novice, but I did get great advice from the folks on various boards on how to build one. Here is a great link somebody sent me to:
[Here's what I built with the hopes of getting an in sump skimmer someday:

overflow box

Return from pvc

Mistakes I made were not making the return section larger so I'm always filling up with makeup water and not cutting fingers on the top of the baffles to keep the things in the ref. Not bad yet, but my macro algae isn't full yet. I have Kalkwasser dripping into the return section so I'm filling it up every two days.
Hope this helps,


Thanks, my son's addition to the tank. Glad I didn't throw 'em out. Should've found all grey color though.