DIY Refugium


Active Member
Since my sump won't be big enough to fit both my skimmer and a fuge, I've come up with this solution.
Please comment.


I cant tell but it looks like you may be considering having a drain feed the skimmer. This is a bad idea. The skimmer should be feed from the sump.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SaltyCrab
I cant tell but it looks like you may be considering having a drain feed the skimmer. This is a bad idea. The skimmer should be feed from the sump.
Yes, I was looking to drain directly to fuge. Any suggestions on how to drain from the sump to the fuge?


Active Member
Not much help here on this issue.......
What if I drill the fuge and connect the fuge to the sump at the 2 unused ports?? And then have one return pump in the fuge and one in the sump?? Instead of 2 in the sump??


Active Member
Originally Posted by SaltyCrab
I cant tell but it looks like you may be considering having a drain feed the skimmer. This is a bad idea. The skimmer should be feed from the sump.
Why is this a bad idea?
How you have it set up will not work. It's possible to use more than one return pump, but they both have to be in the same chamber. Ditch the return pump from the fuge. Otherwise you will never match flows. I'd elevate your fuge and drill it so you can put a bulkhead into it at the top of it. From the bulkhead have it drain back into your sump. This way it will simply gravity drain into your sump the exact amount of water that comes into it from the overflow from your DT. If you do that it will work perfect.


Originally Posted by Hurt
Why is this a bad idea?
How you have it set up will not work. It's possible to use more than one return pump, but they both have to be in the same chamber. Ditch the return pump from the fuge. Otherwise you will never match flows. I'd elevate your fuge and drill it so you can put a bulkhead into it at the top of it. From the bulkhead have it drain back into your sump. This way it will simply gravity drain into your sump the exact amount of water that comes into it from the overflow from your DT. If you do that it will work perfect.
i totally agree
.... this is what i had to do with mine as when i got the stand, i didnt have one long continous area, rather two small ones. works great though. i have two overrflows off the tank feeding into the sump. one of these lines i have a t in it feeding into the fuge with a ball valve on it to regulate the flow going into the fuge.


ps.... try not to rely on mechanics when you dont have to. less stuff to wear out and break. if you can gravity the fuge into the sump and then use 1 pump to get it back up to the dt, so much the better


Active Member
Will this work if I strill a drain into the fuge at the top since the unused ports on the sump are at the very bottom side by side??

shrimpy brains

Originally Posted by 9supratt4
Will this work if I strill a drain into the fuge at the top since the unused ports on the sump are at the very bottom side by side??

Seems like that would work. So long as the plumbing from fuge to return is large enough to compensate for water flowing in. Also, one of the drain lines from DT needs to go to fuge and you will need a couple of baffle walls in fuge to catch water and slow entry into fuge. Hope this makes sense as I can't draw picture for you. Sorry my printer is down.

shrimpy brains

It is possible your drain from fuge to return may not work. Not sure water pressure in pipe running across and slightly downward will be enough to overrun water pressure in return chamber. When gravity feeding, it is customary to run into chamber from above, not below, so there isn't any back pressure on drain.
Maybe someone else will chime in here with a better thought. Understand your wanting to use existing plumbing, but now I'm thinking it wont work that way.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains
It is possible your drain from fuge to return may not work. Not sure water pressure in pipe running across and slightly downward will be enough to overrun water pressure in return chamber. When gravity feeding, it is customary to run into chamber from above, not below, so there isn't any back pressure on drain.
Maybe someone else will chime in here with a better thought. Understand your wanting to use existing plumbing, but now I'm thinking it wont work that way.
I'm not sure....but what I do know is I don't want to do all the work and then it not work. It doesn't seem like people like my thread at all though....

shrimpy brains

Well, I'll give you a bump then. Maybe someone like SCSI or Whatsupdoc will see it and give better advice.


Active Member
Thanks for linking to that thread!!
That is definitely another way to do it!! I also posted on another board and was told that as long as the water height on the fuge was higher than the water height in the should overcome any back pressure without problem.