DIY Skimmer questions


I found more than a few links to DIY skimmers from other threads...
I have a couple questions...
is one type of skimmer better than another? (downdraft vs airstone?)
I have a 37 gal reef tank currently on a stand. From what I saw of the few DIY skimmers, they were all ones that were 3' high or so. Is there one I can make that would fit under my tank? If so, I imagine I would then need to set up a sump for the skimmer correct or can I just run water out of the tank, to the skimmer and then back into the tank?
Thanks for any tips
Rob B.


a skimmer return directly to your tank will probably lead to excess bubbles.
also you might try refining your search to diy skimmers that are beckett or eductor driven as they are both usually more effecient than a downdraft system, especially in a shorter setup.
as for the sump, all you need is a box of some sort, old tank or rubbermaid container, with a couple baffles glued into it, an overflow aparatus of some sort (either hang-on or bulkhead) to get water to it from your tank, and a return pump to get water back to your tank. your skimmer will also need an appropriately sized pump, depending on the model you make. for a 37 gallon you can diy a sump system, including a hang on overflow and a return pump for about $135.00 the majority of that being tied up in the overflow at 60 to 70 dollars, and the return pump at 40 to 50 dollars. the rest is pipe fittings, a container to make the sump out of, and odds and ends like clamps and what not.