DIY sump/fuge ?


Alright so I decided to start a 10G frag tank. First of all would this be alright? I don't see the problem...
My real question is I have a small like 2.5 gal tank layin around so could I get like a small rubbermaid tub and put the small tank in there with some sand, LR, and chaeto?
My total plan would be to have the water out of the tank come through a media filter and then straight into the 2.5G fuge then outside to the big rubbermaid tub to be pumped back into the tank.
I'm hoping all of this would work...


Active Member
I think it depends on what your plan to frag. I don't really see any problem with what you want to do. I think you may be over filtering IMHO. Corals really don't make that much waste. I think you would be just fine with some good water movement and an over sized skimmer.
A sump with some LR and added water volume would be fine. Maybe use the 10 as the sump and the rubbermaid for the frag tank.
If you have any interest in building something (sump, tank, skimmer) let me know I'd be more that happy to help you out. I'm just down the road in Parker. Shoot me a PM if you want.
I also have some frags I'm trying to unload. Again if you have any interest just let me know!


Definitely interested in those frags you'll be gettin a PM soon lol
So could I just get a big HOB filter made for like a 50Gal and then a small powerhead inside the tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Airforceman
ohhhh...who make them that small?
and how exactly could I set it up?
Which are we talking about? The 10 as the frag tank or the rubbermaid as the tank and the 10 for the sump?


Active Member
I guess what I would do is, use a piece of eggcrate (light difuser) put some PVC legs on it. Maybe about 1/3-1/2 up the tank. Small power head (mini-jet) under the eggcrate for water movement. Then you could either use a HOB overflow or drill a hole in the 10 for a bulkhead and use that for a drain to a rubbermaid sump. Get a small in sump skimmer. I think you could go cheap on the skimmer. Then just a small return pump back to the frag tank.
Depending on what you want to frag will depend on what pumps (actually power heads you want to use). If you had the 10 frag tank and another 10-15 gallons in a sump. You looking at 10 gals (DT) so 20x turnover would be 200gph. You would be good with a maxi-jet power head for a return. 3/4" pipe for the drain and 1/2" for returns.
You wouldn't need a bunch for light. again depends on the frags.
As far as the skimmer goes I would just make one but I would think that a small moded sea-clone or Jebo would get you by without breaking the bank.......
I'll shoot you a pm on the frags I have. I would like to get rid of them by this weekend........


How about the DIY overflow with the pipes? lol I dont' know how to explain it but it gets the job done without drilling. But what you said was basically what I was thinking as well. Minus the Skimmer. I'll look for one or some DIY skimmer.
And you have a PM


Active Member
If your not in a hurry we can chat through email and talk about set-up when I see you. As far as a skimmer I have built my own and would have no problems in helping you out. Actually it be kinda cool to build a mini skimmer! I also build OF's too or drill glass.
I'm a hobbists so help (and my shop) are free. You buy the material and diet coke. We'll see what we can do........