DIY Sump


New Member
I am tired of looking at all the equipment in my tank so I am building a sump (using a rubbermaid container) to fit in my tank stand. I have found a bunch of great information on the web but I am trying to figure out how strong my return pump needs to be (gph) in order to get the job done. Also since I have not started yet any advice will definately be appreciated. Can I leave the whole thing uncovered under my tank, also what about overflow has anyone had a problem with this (I found a site where I can calculate the space I need). Any advice will be appreciated.


Active Member
If you are buying a commercial overflow, size your pump for the overflow capacity you have. To use me as an example, I have two tanks that I use CPR overflows on.
Tank 1:
120 Gallons
Overflow: CS100, 800gph
Pump: Mag9 at a 5' head, 750 GPH
Tank 2:
55 Gallons
Overflow: CS90, 600Gph
Pump: Mag9 at a 5' head with restricting valve trimming to 550gph.
Figure out what size tank you have... so say you have a 100 gallon tank. You want to turn your water over at least 10x per hour on a saltwater system, so you want at least a 1000gph overflow and a pump rated at close to, but not as much as that. Be sure to look at the flow at a given head (how high you are pumping the water). If you use a larger pump, you need to put a resticting valve on the output (NOT the intake) to slow the water flow down or your pump will suck air which will, in turn, suck, because it will be delivering water to the tank faster than the overflow can provide it.


New Member
I am constructing my own and I have a fairly small tank 25 gallons. I definately appreciate the point of the air concern-didn't think about that- and I will do a restricting valve. I am not sure how well this whole project will turn out, but I am definately going to give it my best try. Any advice or pictures or anything will be appreciated.


The only bad thing about those containers is that they bow. If you're not going to use baffels, then it's ok. But, if you're going to use them, the container will bow and your baffels will seperate from the walls.