DIY VHO fun fun fun


Hey guys... looking to give myself a handy man award. I want to add 2 48" VHO to supplement my MH bulbs and need to know how to put this together. (Obviously need ballast, grounded power cord and waterproof endcaps) but where can I get quality stuff for cheap if I'm willing to do it myself? Thanks for the recommendations!
If you just want to add 2 48" bulbs I'd get a workhorse 7 ballast, the endcaps, and some wiring. A cheap way to go!!
Endcaps - 2 pair for $20
mounting brackets - 2 pair for $10
Workhorse 7 ballast - probably find for around $40
Wire - $5
Total setup would run you around $75. A little more if you have to order everything online and pay for shipping.